The Digital Tidal Wave Creating Exponential eCommerce Growth - Sophelle

The Digital Tidal Wave Creating Exponential eCommerce Growth

There’s a digital tidal wave sweeping through ecommerce right now. Can you feel it? 

Total ecommerce sales for 2021 were estimated at $870.8 billion, an increase of 14.2 percent (±0.9%) from 2020 and a 50.5% increase over 2019. eCommerce represented 13.2% of all retail sales in 2021 in the US.

This surge represents nearly $1 in $7 spent on retail purchases in 2021 attributed to online orders. There’s no sign of the momentum stopping anytime soon.

While ecommerce was growing rapidly well before the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s no doubt that this unprecedented global event accelerated the shift toward online shopping. 

Retailers that invested in ecommerce years ago have been well-equipped to ride this digital tidal wave. But those lacking the digital capabilities, innovation, and agility to capitalize on this growth are at risk of being pulled under and washed ashore. 

How Retailers Can Ride the Digital Tidal Wave

Are your investments in ecommerce infrastructure amplifying the capabilities required to deliver a connected user experience? 

Key elements to a strong digital infrastructure include: 

  • Immersive end-to-end user experience. An immersive retail experience that resonates with customers, differentiates you from competitors, and provides consistency across all omnichannel touchpoints.
  • 360-degree view of the consumer. The ability to capture, monitor, analyze, and use rich consumer data in real-time, across all channels, at every stage of the customer lifecycle.
  • Personalization across all channels. A personalized, omnichannel user experience that gives customers the chance to seamlessly move between digital devices and a physical retail location.
  • Digital marketing technologies. A modern Martech stack provides the ability to gain actionable view of customer identity, build measurable segmented audiences, execute dynamic personalized marketing campaigns, and manage customer lifetime value.
  • Agile system solution strategy. Flexible, easily adaptable technical solutions and processes allow your business to quickly capture new revenue opportunities and address the challenges of the digital age.
Sophelle’s Experience with Digital Strategy Planning Solutions

If you don’t have the innovation and agility required to accelerate profitable growth in digital channels, it’s not too late to reprioritize investments in your system infrastructure.

As a leader in digital strategic planning solutions for retailers, Sophelle can provide support with:

  • Consumer experience strategy. Real-Time Customer Behavior (RTCB) helps retailers better understand customers’ purchasing patterns and preferences, and then use those insights to enhance the customer experience. We offer a comprehensive strategy on how to harness your RTCB, including planning, road-mapping, and solution selection.
  • Customer insights and analytics strategy. Gathering data about customers is key to improving transactions. We then analyze the data and use the resulting insights to drive your retail strategy.
  • Omnichannel personalization strategy. Offering a personalized omnichannel shopping experience gives customers a seamless experience no matter where they’re encountering your brand. We develop a custom strategy and select a retail system that will maximize the user experience for your customer base.
  • Digital Martech strategy. In the crowded consumer market, retailers need to be different to stand out. We’ll help you develop a digital marketing technology strategy that effectively reaches, engages, and converts your customers into loyal fans.
  • Agile retail system solution selection. Agility Is Oxygen™ for retailers. It helps an organization quickly adapt, flex, and adjust to the unknown. When selecting an agile retail system solution, we consider high-level agility factors like adoption, modification, enhancement, and scale.


Are you ready to ride the digital tidal wave? If you need support in one or more of these areas, Sophelle can help. Contact us today to learn more