Boost retail conversions: The art of the possible using human insight - Sophelle

Boost retail conversions: The art of the possible using human insight

Seamless experiences are rare and rewarding. Often, they go unnoticed because that’s exactly how they’re meant to feel. When a shopper’s experience is fragmented and full of friction, it becomes difficult, disruptive, and very noticeable. A bad digital experience leads to an array of challenges for retail organizations such as cart abandonment and weak conversion rates that can torpedo sales in the wrong direction.

The alarming part is that a bad customer experience could be going on without setting off any alarms for you and your team. In organizations, different teams own different parts of the digital experience and while their small part may seem to be doing well according to quantitative data, it’s impossible to have a clear understanding of what the entire customer experience is really like from start to finish.

This is why it’s vital for ecommerce teams to clearly understand how shoppers interact and experience their brand across all channels and touchpoints. Empowering your digital and ecommerce teams with human insight enables them to capture rich context on customer behaviors and needs, optimize digital touchpoints, and make decisions quickly with confidence.

Join us on Aug 1st as Rima Campbell, VP Experience Research Partner and Sarah Stern, Lead UX Research Partner at UserTesting delve into how adopting a test early and often framework can boost conversions and lift sales with real insights from your target audience.

In this webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Address cart abandonment head on by optimizing your  ecommerce experience
  • Bring context-rich feedback from shoppers into each stage of the buyer’s journey
  • Boost sales by discovering friction points through your customers’ eyes
  • Scaling customer insights across the organization for maximum impact
Organizer :
Digital Commerce 360
Speaker :
Rima Campbell, VP Experience Research Partner, UserTesting, Sarah Stern, Lead UX Research Partner, UserTesting, James Risley, Senior Editor Digital, Commerce 360
Price :
