Chatbots: The Future of Mobile User Experience is Here - Sophelle

Chatbots: The Future of Mobile User Experience is Here

In this on-demand webinar, we’ll help you identify the right chatbot that can revolutionize the way customers interact with your business. No more long support phone calls, complicated web forms, or tedious navigations through mobile apps.

The right chatbot can revolutionize the way people interact with your business via their mobile devices. No more long support phone calls, complicated forms, or tedious navigations through mobile apps.

Join us as we reveal the power and simplicity of NativeChat—an innovative AI-driven channel powered by the Kinvey Platform for rapidly creating and deploying chatbots for transactional use cases across web, iOS, and Android.

Unlike other chatbot providers, NativeChat is:

  • Purpose-built for transactional chat—quickly replace existing web and mobile forms
  • Multilingual—NativeChat understands conversations in 72 languages
  • Easy to deploy—publish to the web or native mobile with NativeScript
  • Cognitive—NativeChat AI reviews previous chats and learns from them

Register today and learn how to implement chatbots and drastically improve business experiences.

Organizer :
Speaker :
Sebastian Witalec –Senior Developer Advocate
Price :
