Staying Human In A Robotic World: The Power Of H2H Engagement - Sophelle

Staying Human In A Robotic World: The Power Of H2H Engagement

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With the rise of always-on communication channels, it can be tempting to simply use automated technology to build connections with customers. But successful brand leaders know that Human-to-Human (H2H) engagement is key to winning long-term customer loyalty.

During this episode of Retail Remix, host Alicia Esposito chats with Tony Drockton, Founder and Chief Cheerleader of the premium leather accessories company Hammitt. Shortly after being attacked by robots, the duo discusses Tony’s passion for the philosophy of H2H engagement and how Hammitt leverages data to enhance customer experiences across all channels. Check out this episode to learn:

  • How Hammitt makes technology invisible to create a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience;
  • Hammitt’s long-term vision for keeping customers engaged and passionate about the brand through their lifetime guarantee program; and
  • The importance of connecting digital channels and data with in-store service and events to improve the overall customer journey.
