The Retail Revival: Reimagining Business for the New Age of Consumerism - Sophelle

The Retail Revival: Reimagining Business for the New Age of Consumerism

The Retail Revival answers these questions by looking into the not-so-distant retail past and by looking forward to a future that will continue to redefine retail and its enormous effect on society and our economies. Massive demographic and economic shifts, as well as historic levels of technological and media disruption, are turning this once predictable industry—where “average” was king—into a sea of turbulent change, leaving consumer behavior permanently altered. Doug Stephens, an internationally renowned consumer futurist, examines the key seismic shifts in the market that have even companies like Walmart and Procter & Gamble scrambling to cope and explores the current and future trends that will completely change the way we shop.

The Retail Revival provides no-nonsense clarity on the realities of a completely new retail marketplace— realities that are driving many industry executives to despair. But the future need not be dark. Stephens offers hope and guidance for any businesses eager to capitalize on these historic shifts and thrive.

Entertaining and thought-provoking, The Retail Revival makes sense of a brave new era of consumer behavior in which everything we thought we knew about retail is being completely reimagined.

Title : The Retail Revival: Reimagining Business for the New Age of Consumerism
Author : Doug Stephens
Publisher : Wiley
Publication Date : 11/03/2013

Retail Books