Retail Pride: The Guide to Celebrating Your Accidental Career - Sophelle

Retail Pride: The Guide to Celebrating Your Accidental Career

When will you get a real career? When will you stop working nights and weekends? When do you plan to use your college degree? If you work in retail, these are questions you often hear.

Does this make you feel like the career you love was all just an accident? You’re not alone. The retail industry employs millions, yet most people don’t end up there by design.

Ron Thurston wrote Retail Pride as an indispensable guide for every retail employee, manager, and multi-store leader looking to accelerate their potential and grow their career. It’s filled with straightforward, practical tips for developing your talents, connecting with customers, and building your leadership skills.

Based on more than twenty-five years of Ron’s retail leadership experience, you’ll discover a sense of belonging in the words of someone who has been a champion for the industry and shares your journey.

Title : Retail Pride: The Guide to Celebrating Your Accidental Career
Author : Ron Thurston
Publisher : Lioncrest Publishing
Publication Date : 18/09/2020

Retail Books