Designing Ecommerce Websites: A UX Design Handbook for Great Online Shops - Sophelle

Designing Ecommerce Websites: A UX Design Handbook for Great Online Shops

This book contains the results of a decade’s worth of UX design experience, and several years spent consulting with a wide range of different e-commerce startups. It is based on knowledge learned from user behavior data and running many different usability tests. It tells you what works in reality, not in theory.

The book itself was born from teaching the principles in workshops for over four years. These are principles that are useful to a range of job roles (not just designers) and no matter what your experience level.

This book will take you through the e-commerce funnel that applies to almost all e-commerce sites via scannable text and simple illustrations. It’s a reference book that is designed to be easy to pick up and quickly learn from.

Title : Designing Ecommerce Websites: A UX Design Handbook for Great Online Shops
Author : Matt Isherwood
Publisher : Transmitter Press (February 11, 2019)
Publication Date : 11/02/2019

Retail Books