Poised For Success - B2B Company Prioritizes Quality For Increased Demand - Sophelle

Poised For Success – B2B Company Prioritizes Quality For Increased Demand

Keeping Up with Growth

A successful, business-to-business company involved in the procurement of printing services for Fortune 500 companies wanted to review the performance, security, and data integrity of its online software system. Poised for dramatic growth in the near future, the company needed assurance that its sophisticated e-procurement software could handle increasing demand.

Sophelle’s Assessment

Sophelle conducted a complete Quality Assurance Assessment and Risk Audit. Sophelle looked at all aspects of the client’s development and staging, as well as its production environment and business processes.

Based on the findings, Sophelle initiated a risk assessment, including a Risk List that identified potential exposures, such as those that could be caused by hackers, bad data, human error or system failures.


Sophelle prioritized the exposures and created a Risk Plan. The plan outlined the steps, costs, and resources necessary to address each risk. Sophelle then created a comprehensive approach to overall Quality Assurance that included practical, cost-effective test methods and deployment plans. Finally, Sophelle automated many processes that were being done manually, increasing scalability to accommodate the company’s projected growth.


Sophelle put each of these plans into action. The client is now confidently poised for rapid growth and is ready to respond to its current and future customers’ needs.

Please contact Sophelle today for more information.