11.5% Revenue Beautification from Personalization by Device - Sophelle

11.5% Revenue Beautification from Personalization by Device

Client: Cosmetics Retailer

The Challenge

The web and mobile ecommerce channels of a popular omnichannel cosmetics retailer utilized a complex system of over 25 algorithms to make customer-specific product recommendations throughout the entire consumer lifecycle. From the homepage to the shopping cart, many AI strategies were at work.

With so many algorithms to monitor, the retailer needed a team more qualified to data model and analyze their success.


Sophelle’s extensive personalization experience equipped us to data model their extensive algorithms and successfully optimize them.

Thorough page-by-page and device analysis, Sophelle’s Optimization Experts created advanced data models and implemented a series of A/B tests identifying algorithms that maximized engagement and revenue across key success metrics, like click rates, conversion rates, and revenue.


By realigning a series of algorithms, Sophelle quickly delivered an 11.5% lift in revenue on the client’s highly trafficked product detail pages, and now manages ongoing optimization work for them.

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